Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blog Response 5

Bourdain believes that people must know their role in the workplace and be humble in order to get promoted in the future. Bourdain realizes that his employers and peers don't like to work with egos. The manipulative Bourdain also discovers that the job is about the customer and not only him. Dimitri, the pasta man who worked at the CIA where Bourdain learns how to cook. Dimitri gains honesty and respect from Bourdain because he knows what he is doing and what he is asked for. Bourdain is someone that the employers relate to because he is "A guy who's come up through the ranks, who knows every station, every recipe, every corner of the restaurant and who has first, learned your system above all others is likely to be more valuable and long-term than some bed-wetting white boy whose mom brought him up thinking the world owed him a living, and actually thinks he knows a few things."