Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Blog Response 7

When I was near towards the end of my high school year I had pressure from my counselor about what path of majors was I going to go. Based on my past years of my education like 8th and 9th grade, I was a terrible student. I never did anything, but waste my time fooling around in school. I never took anything serious. Once the time came that my counselor told me to reflect on my past, I opened my eyes to a different world where I picked a major in which I could express my emotions through art. I boosted up my GPA so I could have been accepted into a Technology school available close to me. So, I turned my life around drastically by attending Thomas Edison High School of Technology where I found the program called "Printing and Graphics." That class had me devoted more into the art major I was looking forward to fo rmy future. After, I graduated high school I chose to enroll at Montgomery College because of my financial needs and because I had background information about the School of Art and Design at Montgomery College. As I attend school everyday I look closer and closer to my future ahead of me and I have high expectations of myself to become a skillful Graphic Designer. Now that I'm at Montgomery College, I still look back at my past and till this day I wish I did way better in school. I learned from my mistake to never fool around with my education because now that I'm in college, everything has changed for me. I knew I had to overcome this obstacle in my life in order to be a successful person and being able to pursue my dreams.

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