Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Thesis Statement

As a young adult, I have found it important that food unites my family at a scheduled time simply because I get to have a chance to connect with them even though, I sacrifice that valuable time because of my education.

1 comment:

  1. Emely,

    Your thesis here is clearer than the last version and pretty straightforward. You do have a little repetitiveness with the "unites" and "connects" that you can work on making concise. There are a few grammar hiccups, too; you don't need the comma after 'even though'.

    I look forward to seeing how you can talk about the ways food allows you make that connection. The one worry I have is that you overly define it as "simply because" instead of allowing the "unites my family" to have more ways food can unite your family. I fear you will have issues developing that idea into multiple body paragraphs without getting redundant. My suggestion: open that phrase "simply because" up to a new phrase that is more inclusive about how food can unite you and your family as you make sacrifices that keep you away from them.

    Grade: 9/10

    Professor A.
